
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Redhat Man [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:19 PM
>Subject: (no subject)
>Hi all,
>I am the redhat user. I am using the mail server in Linux Redhat 7.1
>I would like to know that how to filter the worm virus mail in my
>mail server. I have got more then 400 hundred mail user in my 
>mail server.
>But it's distrubing the sending juck mail/automatic mail sending from
>different users which is in my mail server user to others.

>I can disable the virus infected pc user but doing this 
>methored it's so
>hard. So, Shall I filter that virus mail in my own server.
>Please give me suggestion ?

Try using an Antivirus software on your mail server.
There was a thread on this one a few days ago, try checking
the archives.

Also, you can use spamassassin - but that's a different

I've tried Postfix+AntiVir Mailgate+courier on a small LAN and it works
great on detecting/cleaning viruses from email messages.


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