Did you make sure that xinetd was turned on: chkconfig --list xinetd
And to make sure it is running: service xinetd status

Also, to make sure firewall rules aren't getting in the way do:
netstat -tln

If http and ftp are running you'll see them listening on their associated
ports ( for http, for ftp, for telnet).
If they're running and you can't connect then firewall rules would likely
be getting in the way (to disable, do
chkconfig iptables off && service iptables stop).


-----Original Message-----
From: Real Cucumber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 1:30 PM
Subject: RE: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server

It shows vsftp on when I did the chkconfig --list

But I still can't connect to the server thorugh ftp, telnet, web, nothing - and I 
installed with firewall off... and I really don't know how to get this machine to 
accept connections and make sure everything is working.

Even apache is running and I've placed an index.htm file in the virtual host web 
folder and I can't view it when I try http://ipaddress/ 

Is there some kind of global setting for me to make sure that RH8 allows connections?

I'd ideally like to have FTP, Web, MySQL, and Telnet services running - this machine 
is on a local area network with a gateway setting and is not directly connected to the 

"Rigler, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It sounds like there may be some confusion as to what the service
command does.

/sbin/service is basically a script that prepends "/etc/init.d" to
whatever argument you feed it. When you enter "service vsftpd start"
it says service not found because it has no script in /etc/init.d. 
The reason it has no script in /etc/init.d is because it is an xinetd
service and must be started/stopped within xinetd.

The easiest way to manage services (xinetd based or other) is through
chkconfig. Just type "chkconfig --list " and it will
tell you whether it is enabled or not. To enable a service, do
"chkconfig on". If it is xinetd based, it will change
to "disabled" to "no" and restart xinetd for you. Naturally xinetd
should also be enabled to run at boot "chkconfig --list xinetd".


-----Original Message-----
From: Real Cucumber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 12:58 PM
Subject: RE: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server

Disable is already set to no.

When I do:

service xinetd stop or start - it works

When I do:

service vsftpd stop or start - it says "unrecognized service".

However when I go through the Gnome GUI and click Services, it is listed and checked, 
but the stop/start buttons are greyed out...

I have no idea what is going on - its a fresh install of RH8 in server mode - and I 
can't get vsftp to run.

"Thomas E. Dukes" wrote:
I think you need to look in /etc/xinetd and find the file for vsftpd. Open it and 
change disable=yes to disbale = no

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-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Real Cucumber
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server

It won't let me... it just says I need to enable xinetd - but that is already 

Wendell MacKenzie wrote:
did you enable the vsftp service?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Real Cucumber 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:10 PM
Subject: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server


I'm a linux n00b and I've just installed a fresh server install of Redhat 8.

I see that it installed 2 FTP packages:

-vsftp (secure/full featured ftp)
-anonftp (anonymous/read only)

So I wanted to get vsftp working, however when I checked in service! s and tried to 
start vsftp - it said it required me to enable xinted... however xinetd is already 
checked and started, I've even tried restarting it yet it will still not let me click 
the "start" button for vsftp - its greyed out.

I can't find any documention or help or even files when searching the hard drive 
related to "vsftp"

If anyone has some kind of a user's guide or quick-start manual it would be 

I'd like to be able to setup user accounts and limit their access to specified 
directories etc... as well as use SSH FTP and normal FTP connectoins...

Any help appreciated.

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