Um..OK  why do you want to give the linux box a range of IPs?  Do you
mean to setup a DHCP server on the linux box for the local network?

I'll try to help a bit here, but honestly sounds as if you need to do a
lot more reading.

Your linux box is the gateway device.  It connects your network to the
internet via dialup.

In a text book example your linux box would have the IP address on the eth0 device.

All other computers on the network would have as thier
gateway IP address.

If you want to setup a dhcp server on your linux box to distribute IP
addresses to the rest of your network, you should do a search on for a redhat DHCP how-to.

With /etc/hosts, I wouldn't worry about it for now. After you can ping
IP addresses then you can worry about your hosts file.  In fact you can
run a caching name server if you wish as well.


Why is the NT box the 'proxy'?  Did it at one time share it's internet
connection with the rest of the network?  What is the overall goal of
this project?

My suggestion is to do some serious reading today, and tonight.  Start
with the networking how-to

you can try  The linux documentation project for
more reading.

On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 14:48, Kirby Clements wrote:
> Okay ... the good news is that I can ping the IP of the linux 
> box/router.
> I am now struggling with giving the eth0 a range of IP addresses. I 
> have been trying to use 'ifconfig' to do this, but can only seem to set 
> the NIC card to just one address.
> Also, I am wondering if the /etc/hosts file should include all hosts on 
> the actual network. the NT machines in other words. I now have the 
> client machine's IP and hostname in this file. I think some vital info 
> I left out in my earlier message was that the one NT server with a 
> static is not only the mailserver but a proxy for the network. I am 
> wondering if that should make things easier on my part. As well, should 
> I include that IP in the /etc/hosts file. I take it I should. So, the 
> IP setup is, from an ifconfig:
>   NIC card
> Broadcast address
> mask
> And the dialup issue seems fine. I just cant reach the machine vi a hub 
> or either connecting the client directly to the NIC card of the linux 
> box. Meaning, I have yet to use that PPP connection that the linux box 
> dials. And can only ping the IP from client to linux box, nothing else, 
> yet.
> Kirby
Michael Gargiullo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Warp Drive Networks

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