Hmm. Just noticed an errata on mkinitrd.  I'lll try that.  :)  not sure if
my adaptec 1540 fall sinto the catagory of this fix but it cant hurt

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 6/24/98, at 9:40 AM, Scott wrote: 

>Greetings Gurus -
>I ran into a problem with my 2.0.34 upgrade.  Here is my current setup for
>RH 5.0
>2.0.31 kernel
>lilo boot off scsi drive (not MBR, first sector of root partition.  Master
>boot partition is 100% NTFS)
>All steps went as planned up to the step where I have to make the new
>initrd image (The docs elude to this since I boot from a scsi drive and I
>have an entry for initrd in my lilo.conf file for my existing 2.0.31
>I executed this command:  /sbin/mkinitrd -v /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.34 2.0.34.
>It did some stuff (bound in my scsi adapter module) and a new .img file is
>now in my /boot directory. I then modifly my lilo.conf file to do support
>my old kernel and 2.0.34 and pointed the 2.0.34 boot at the new initrd
>image. I exec /sbin/lilo and all is ok.  When I reboot the system fails
>with a kernel panic do to not finding the boot image "or something close
>that message".  
>I'm at a loss as to what the problem is.  Any help is appreciated.
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