On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 12:43, MKlinke wrote:
> > be careful of this setup.  You can turn on an open relay if your not
> > configured correctly.
> >
> > Originator -> SMTP1 -> relay -> SMTP2
> >
> > What can happen is that because SMTP accepts relays from smtp1 it
> > will put inbound mail to the proper mailboxes, but will send outbound
> > mail also.  You may not notice it right away, but then you will start
> > getting returned mail that isn't from you.
> >
> > I'm not sure how to stop this, I just turned it off.  Now, I'm
> > setting up Authentication as we speak to see if that will work for
> > me.
> >
> > If anyone knows how to do the relay while not creating a open relay,
> > please advise.
> Assuming that SMTP1 is a different box than SMTP2 in your note above, 
> and assuming that you really meant to type "What can happen is that 
> because SMTP2" in your explanation, please explain how configuring 
> SMTP1 as Steve noted can turn SMTP2 into an open relay.  If I don't 
> understand your note correctly please set me straight.

SMTP1 is different. 

What can happen is that because SMTP2 accepts relays from SMTP1 it will
accept local mail, but SMTP2 will send outbound mail also.

Steve didn't note the complete configuration, just mailertable.  

If I could understand this more I would be much better at explaining it,
maybe even solving it.  But I found that when I relayed non local email
to another server, I regularly got a spam relayed out through SMTP2. 
Once I close the relaying and had SMTP2 be the only recipient of mail

  originator -> SMTP2 

the spam relaying stopped 

So here is a description of my setup that had the open relay going:

System 1
-name: msvr1
-accepts email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-relays all mail with domain name thisdomain.com to system 2 using
-main outgoing SMTP server

System 2
-name: msvr2
-accepts email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-local outgoing SMTP server

Tried to stop it but, in time constraints it was easier to just drop
System1 and make System 2 the primary. Any ideas what I was doing
wrong?  I still would like it to work?

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