On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 01:56, Bill Tangren wrote:
> I recommend turning on verbose logging temporarily, to see what is 
> happening. Add this to the top of your .procmailrc file:
> where PMDIR is where you want to put the procmail log file. This will 
> generates *lots* of output, so turn it on, try your test, then turn it 
> off again.

I've had problems with procmail logs and their permissions:

I am using procmail + qmail + vmailmgr based virtual domains where one
system user (in my case vmail1) owns the directory structure for one
mail domain and it's users.

My problem: All users owning the virtual domains (including vmail1)
belong to procmail group, but still they cannot write to procmail log
files even though the procmail process is ran by those users.

I hope someone could help me out here, it propably is a trivial error on
my side that I just don't see.

I've created /var/log/procmail and group called procmail:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] test]# ls -lah /var/log/procmail/
  total 8.0k
  drwxrwxr-x    2 root     procmail     4.0k Jul 28 17:14 .
  drwxr-xr-x   16 root     root         4.0k Jul 28 16:21 ..

User vmail1 owns the first virtual domain. User vmail1 also belongs to
the procmail group and can write to the directory:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] test]# groups vmail1
  vmail1 : vmail1 procmail

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] test]# su - vmail1 -c "touch /var/log/procmail/foo"

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] test]# ls /var/log/procmail/    

A virtual user in the virtual domain owned by vmail1 has these logging
directives in her .procmailrc:


But when receiving messages for this user I see in /var/log/maillog

  Jul 28 17:03:52 muroa procmail[2142]: Error while writing to

If I give everyone (or just the vmail1 user) write access to
/var/log/procmail, logging works as expected.

What am I missing here?


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