I have an older (PII333) NEC Versa that works perfectly with RH 9. 
Watch out for the video (I'd try for an ATI or nVidia) and try to find
one that still supports APM, as ACPI still sucks in Linux.  (Though I've
read that this is due largely to Windows' implementation not following
the standards and all of the manufacturers working around that. 

Also, have you considered an iBook?  I know you can't run RH9, but YDL
3.0 is almost the same, I routinely recompile RH9/Rawhide SRPMs for it,
it almost always works prefectly.  iBook+YDL3 is the best out-of-the-box
experience I've had with Linux and a new laptop.



On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 17:33, jmraz wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Mark Haney wrote:
> > Dan Bar Dov wrote:
> > > I'm looking for a laptop that will work fine with RedHat 9.0

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