On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Eric Chevalier wrote:

> Gerry Doris wrote:
> >That's exactly what I get when my daughter tries to send a message to
> >hotmail from my server with a hotmail return address.  They accept the
> >message and then dump it.
> >
> Could this be spam-filtering on the part of Hotmail? It's not uncommon 
> for spam factories to use bogus or forged Hotmail addresses in their 
> junkmail. Perhaps Hotmail is filtering based on the assumption that any 
> *incoming* mail from the Internet containing a Hotmail return address is 
> likely to be bogus? (Messages with a Hotmail return address should 
> originate only from Hotmail-managed servers?)
> Has the recipient of your daughter's messages looked for the missing 
> messages in his/her junk mail folder?
> Eric

That's exactly what it is .... spam-filtering by hotmail.  She was sending 
the message to herself and it never arrived at all.


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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