On 8/7/03 11:20 AM, "R. McFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Another is I have been having serious problems with Apple hardware quality
>> lately. Anybody interested can read about it in my personal blog at
>> http://injapan.net/.1c3eecb8
> Now that is stupid! I find it amazing that they find that warp
> "acceptable". Have you looked into getting a refund. After all you are
> dissatisfied with the product.

I did ask, and they said no. Apple "customer support" over the past few
years has been decreasing. You would think that with a 2-3% market share -
and with the prices they charge - that they would be anxious to make
everybody happy. 

> <snip>
>> (1) Can somebody recommend a good quality, not too heavy, not overly
>> expensive notebook computer for day-to-day work in Linux?
> Lindows has a $799 notebook. Not sure if it will fit your needs, but it's
> there. :)

I'll check it out.


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