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Subject: Redhat Printer sharing problem
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 16:42:59 +0700
From: Santoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: r redhat-install-list redhat com

Hi all
I am new comer to Redhat Linux, I have redhat AS 2.1 on my PC.
I want to share my printer (epson stylus) which is installed on my other PC
(Windows 98), so that I can print from my Linux PC.
Let's assume the detail are :

My windows PC :
computer name : zeta
printer name : epson
my windows user name : sun
my password is : test
the IP address is :

My Linux PC
computer name : test
the IP address is :

Windows Printer : Epson Stylus Color 670

I have tried to set the printer through  Printer Configuration, and using
SMB printer type. But when I used the printer driver,i.e stc670p.upp &
stc670pl.upp, the printer doesn't respond.

Then I changed the driver to "postcript printers" and try to print, the
printer is responding but the output is not correct (it shows Linux

All, I will appreciate your feedbacks.

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