I forgot to mention that I am using automount to mount the drive.  Where 
would I put these options? into my auto.master file?
/home /etc/auto.home  --timeout=43200
that is what I have now
or woudl it go into the auto.home file?

Thanks for you help

On 21 Aug 2003, Jason Dixon wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 15:12, Justin Rush wrote:
> > Hi,
> >   After upgrading all the machines to redhat 9 I am now seeing nfs errors 
> > in the logs of my client machines:
> > Aug 18 06:46:16 ztrip kernel: nfs: server fromage not responding, timed 
> > out
> > I get these errors mainly when trying to checkout large cvs repositories, 
> > but also on moving large files across an nfs mounted partition.  Nothing 
> > shows up in the server's log files, and if I checkout the large cvs 
> > repository to /tmp on the client machine it works file.
> Have you tried tweaking your nfs mount options?  Try upping your wsize
> and rsize to 8192.  Man nfs for examples.

Justin Rush
Technical Specialist
Internet Scout Project

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