At 8/24/2003 23:17 -0300, you wrote:
Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:

> I have no idea how to even start looking for this one

 Well, you could try unsparsing a file.. it's a blind shot, it makes no
sense, but it's worth a try (on the smallest huge file).

cp --sparse=always big.wav test.wav

That's actually how I ended up on this thread... no one was paying me any attention on my other attempts to get help on this issue, and sparse files sounded like a possible explanation so I went through the thread and made attempts to sparse or unsparse with both cp and rsync.

No dice... I still get 1.2GB worth of file, yet the darn thing plays properly in a media player and displays correctly in certain incantations of ls.

Is there someone out there with some coding expertise, who can maybe explain why "ls -l" and "ls -sh" give different results? Like this:

ls -l:
-rwxr--r-- 1 rpaiz rpaiz 1177207676 Aug 3 18:09 Kansas ~ Best of Kansas ~ 04 ~ Dust in the Wind ~ 890B500A.wav
ls -sh:
35M Kansas ~ Best of Kansas ~ 04 ~ Dust in the Wind ~ 890B500A.wav

Worse yet, the file that I gzipped and then gunzipped is now really and truly taking up 1.2GB:

ls -l:
-rwxr--r-- 1 rpaiz rpaiz 1181163340 Aug 3 18:09 Kansas ~ Best of Kansas ~ 01 ~ Carry on Wayward Son ~ 890B500A.wav
ls -sh:
1.2G Kansas ~ Best of Kansas ~ 01 ~ Carry on Wayward Son ~ 890B500A.wav

Any listing of it now shows 1.2GB, and total space used in the directory "du -ms" as well as disk free space "df -m" reflect the increase. It still plays fine in my media player, though!


-- Rodolfo J. Paiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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