What do your mysql logs say?
Did you try to execute some small php script (just make a connection without a 
query) from the web sites that have the problem? Look at the logs while you 
do this.
How's the load on the mysql server? Pings are OK between the servers?

El Jue 28 Ago 2003 20:29, Parker Morse escribió:
> I'm using RH 9.0 to run our web server. We set it up in the colocation
> center on Monday and moved eight of our ten sites in on Monday and
> Tuesday. Three of the sites already moved are PHP/MySQL sites.
> Intermittently, the database connection function in PHP will fail for
> two of those three sites. (I checked, and the function is identical,
> except for user/password/database arguments, between the three sites.)
> mysqld is still running on the server; however, if I restart mysqld,
> the sites resume working.
> I haven't been able to deliberately crash the sites, nor have I been
> able to confirm absolutely that it only affects the two sites. System
> load doesn't appear to be an issue; the only time I've seen load
> average approach 1.0 was when I did the initial fcheck run. I also
> checked the users in mysql, and all three have identical permissions.
> Nothing helpful in any error logs.
> Right now I have a kludge going where the failure case in the database
> connect function drops a file in a particular path (much like a
> lockfile) and a perl script (run every five minutes by cron) restarting
> mysql (and deleting the file) if it finds that file present. Not a real
> good option for long-term site operation (but handy, I suppose...)
> How can I figure out if the problem resides with MySQL (suggested by
> the fact that a mysqld restart helps - resource issue?) or with PHP
> (suggested by how it doesn't affect all three sites)? I'd like to get
> this sorted before I move the two last (and biggest) sites out of
> shared hosting.
> Thanks for any hints...
> pjm

 08:45:01 up 7 days, 35 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.62, 0.61, 0.55
Martín Marqués                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

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