To start, I am not a MySQL user, though I had to test a couple of those 
servers once, so I don't have much experience on it.
But lets see.

El Vie 29 Ago 2003 12:46, Parker Morse escribió:
> > Did you try to execute some small php script (just make a connection
> > without a
> > query) from the web sites that have the problem? Look at the logs
> > while you
> > do this.
> Generally, when it goes down, I've been most interested in bringing my
> sites back up ASAP. :-(  So I haven't tried any diagnostics while
> they're down, except for verifying that mysqld is running.

Try to have something ready (just a simple "SELECT count(*) FROM table_name" 
to know how things are working) so when the SQL server fails you can fastly 
execute the script to know if the problem is there or some place else. You 
should also check with another client that is not PHP (maybe the mysql 

> Assuming I can run a test connection script, which log should I be
> watching?

There is a mysql.log IIRC. Look there. Also look at where PHP is logging.

> > How's the load on the mysql server? Pings are OK between the servers?
> It's all one box, so the load is the same for both machines. Pinging
> is, well, irrelevant. :-) I should have mentioned this.

Thought about putting the DB server on another machine?

Sorry if I'm not that helpfull, but I have experience with Informix (in the 
past) and PostgreSQL (in the present), and have only done some tests on mysql 
servers (I don't have one handy right now).

 08:50:01 up 8 days, 40 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.62, 0.37, 0.27
Martín Marqués                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

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