On Saturday 30 August 2003 01:24 am, Jeffrey F. Lawhorn wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Reuben D. 
Budiardja" said:
> >I saw this in my http access_log. What does this mean?
> >
> > - - [30/Aug/2003:00:58:35 -0400] "GET
> > http://www.sina.com.cn/ HTTP/1.1" 200 5809
> >
> >I saw no corresponding error log.
> The problem is that your apache is configured with the proxy service
> enabled.
> I would suggest that you comment out all of the <Proxy> entries in your
> configuration file.

I don't have proxy service enabled. That's what scared me. Here is a 
copy-pasted from my httpd.conf:

# Proxy Server directives. Uncomment the following lines to
# enable the proxy server:
#<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
#    ProxyRequests On

#    <Directory proxy:*>
#        Order deny,allow
#        Deny from all
#        Allow from .your-domain.com
#    </Directory>

    # Enable/disable the handling of HTTP/1.1 "Via:" headers.
    # ("Full" adds the server version; "Block" removes all outgoing Via: 
    # Set to one of: Off | On | Full | Block
#    ProxyVia On

    # To enable the cache as well, edit and uncomment the following lines:
    # (no cacheing without CacheRoot)
#    CacheRoot "/usr/local/apache/proxy"
#    CacheSize 5
#    CacheGcInterval 4
#    CacheMaxExpire 24
#    CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
#    CacheDefaultExpire 1
#    NoCache a-domain.com another-domain.edu joes.garage-sale.com

# End of proxy directives.


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