Hi all,

I'm pretty certain this has been asked before and I did find a few
things on Google, but I'd like to be sure to understand it fully...

I have two 20GB hard drives with the same geometry, the only
difference being that one of them is a more "silent" version.
In the end, I want to use the "silent" one for Linux. However, there's
a Win00 installation on that drive at the moment, which I'd like to
keep as is. Hence my question:

Is it possible to "clone" that Win00 installation from one drive to
the other using dd? Has anybody tried this - and what were the
experiences? Am I right in assuming that the command is simply
dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb  (maybe with a blocksize to increase speed)
- and will that also copy any bootblocks that Win00 might use?
Any information appreciated, though I'm really after a solution that
can be done with Linux' tools, as my knowledge about Win is close to


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