At 15:22 9/4/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I send what was sent!!!!!

That's the point, Otto. We all read the original post, and we all read the answer. Then, when we get to your post, we have to read everything ALL OVER AGAIN and there is no need for it... it wastes a lot of bandwidth and a lot of other people's time (and there are a few thousand readers on this list). I am not accusing you of changing anything, I am suggesting that you do not have to resend EVERYTHING that was sent.

Please keep only the parts of the earlier message which are important for your answer, and delete the rest. In this message, the only thing that mattered from the previous message was your one-line comment, so I deleted the other 50 lines of stuff that no longer mattered. It is considered polite to do this, and it makes it easier for everyone to read and understand your posts.


-- Rodolfo J. Paiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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