At 03:42 9/5/2003 -0500, you wrote:
i got a couple of questions why do i need 2 computers?

All depends on how important your image is to you. If your webserver is down, the browser will give the "Host unreachable" error which shows the machine is down or the network is down. If DNS service is not available, people will get a different error: "Host does not exist". That looks VERY BAD for serious sites, even if they are serious small or personal sites.

This is why there are usually not just two DNS servers, but two DNS servers thousands of miles apart and connected to different providers on different parts of the Internet's backbone: you really, really, REALLY do not want your DNS to go down if you really care about your domain. However, if your domain is not that important and you do not care if it goes down for a few minutes when your DNS server dies, or if it's your personal site and the DNS/mail/web/ftp server is all on the same machine, then no... you do not need two machines.

Another good choice is simply not to run your DNS yourself. EasyDNS and UltraDNS provide these services, as does DynDNS (operates on donations only, PLEASE pay them something and don't just use them for free). I have had great and wonderful service from DynDNS and would recommend them. At that point, you don't have to worry about your DNS at all!

-- Rodolfo J. Paiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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