On Thu, 04 Sep 2003 21:45:38 -0600
"Jerome Dsilva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1.  Can we freely share the distribution media or ISO image of AS 2.1.

This is an interesting question and i'm surprised by the answers given
thus far.   As you note yourself Redhat has previously allowed copying 
of their media.   You pay for a support license, thus you've been free 
to distribute copies.    Other distributions are even based on redhat
releases simply with the trademarks removed.

> 2.  Does it require the other users ( who use the shared distro ) to
> have licenses on AS 2.1

As far as i can see the license uses the term "Subscription Agreement"
and says little or nothing about the media.    Obviously you don't
distribute a copy of the "Subscription Agreement" when you copy the
media so i'm not sure this violatees any license.

> 3. How different is the licensing compared to the Redhat 8 or Redhat
> 9?

Good question.

> 4. Why are the AS 2.1 ISO images are not available on the web as
> compared to other desktop version as RH8 or RH9?.

Obviously RedHat does not have to make it easy for freeloaders.

They do post all of the source code which begs the question, what 
is missing if you pull down all the SRPMS, compile and burn to CD ?
Clearly if you did this you could distribute the result, but perhaps there
are things on the purchased media that aren't available via source ?

All this seems confusing and i haven't found any definitive statement
from Redhat.


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