On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 18:04, Alex wrote:
> Hello,
> I curently have setup bandwith limiting by using cbq.init script to limit
> about 100 workstations to a specific amount of bandwith, but I need to
> change that to a dynamic bandwith allocation.
> I'm using a rh9 router with kernel 2.4.21 and I want to setup bandwith
> allocation dynamically between active users. If one needs more bandwith and
> it is available, he must be able to use it. In my curent setup if I have
> only one active user on network, his download/browsing speed can't increase,
> he will always be limmited at a specific rate.
> I also have local traffic (metropolitan traffic - a couple of ip classes
> that some sites in my town are using and for which I have access at a
> greater speed than the speed for external traffic, the rest of internet).
> If it's necesary I will switch to HTB, it doesn't matter, the point is that
> I need to get this done and the docs that I found on the net are a little
> confusing.
> I also need to prioritize interactive traffic (IRC and yahoo/msn messengers)
> and ICMP ping (to impress my boss :-) ).
> The documentation has done nothing but to confuse me in this situation.
> Please help me with this!

I hope I don't get flamed for this, but here we go...

Your situation is a good example of the problem with most Linux
documentation.  Rather than thoroughly explain the concepts and
features, developers are routinely satisfied to relegate the task of
proper documentation to non-developers.  This often (although not
always) results in HOWTO documents that are narrow in scope and

Although the syntax is going to be different, I highly suggest the
PF/ALTQ documentation found on the OpenBSD site.  It gives a very
thorough introduction to CBQ, PRIQ, RED and ECN.  I know this isn't
going to translate directly over for you, but hopefully it will explain
matters enough that it will give you a better idea of how to proceed.


Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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