On Friday 12 September 2003 05:13 pm, Kalin Mintchev wrote:
> hi....
> i have to redo the rpm install for php on one of our RH8 boxes because
> like i as told on this list "the (cli) version you have it build with is
> not for redhat"?!? so where is the rpm of php 4.3.0 with the cli for
> redhat? is there a "special" php cli for redhat? if so - WHY?
> php.net offers a source code which decides in the process of
> compiling it which os should it build it for. that's the source code i
> used. php 4.3.0. not the rpm. the reason is that the rpms on redhat.com
> are old.
> the php.net site states that the current stable version is 4.3.3. on the
> redhat site the newest php rpm is 4.2.2. i need at least 4.3.0 for some of
> the socket stuff...
> i have some php scripts ported over from a bsd machine that are run by
> cron. they involve mysql queries. the current php 4.3.0 compiled with the
> cli doesn't execute the mysql functions (if there are not any of them it
> works fine) on the rh8 machine... they all work fine on the bsd machine. my
> question is where the hell can i get the rpm for php 4.3.0 (at least) to
> install php 4.3.0 from rpm and make rh8 understand what php is asking it to
> do....

If you can't find the RPM, just compile it yourself. Get the latest stable, 
read the doc, configure it as you need (eg --with-mysql) and compile it. 

You can check the configure option of your current PHP RPM that you said you 
have just by doing this on the scipt:

If the Configure option does not have --with-mysql in it, than it won't have 
the mysql functions.

Redhat cannot always provide the latest RPM for every software included in its 


Reuben D. Budiardja
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

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