At 13:33 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Ok, so I want to rsync /mnt/www/ with /var/www/html/backup/

How would I go about doing that? I've tried searching for examples, but
they are leaving me very confused.

Read the man page; long and somewhat complex but very useful. Also:

# rsync -av /mnt/www/* /var/www/html/backup/

should do the trick, copying all of the files and directories in /mnt/www (see the "/*" at the end, meaning "everything inside") recursively and depositing them all in the /var/www/html/backup directory (inside the directory, because of the last "/"). Be careful where you do or do not use the trailing slash, and see the values of -a and -v in the man page, as well as many other useful things.

If using rsync remotely to mirror entire trees it's as simple as:

# rsync -av -e ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/path/to/files/* [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/path/to/files/

Enter your password, and you're good to go. Use certificates for unattended operation.

-- Rodolfo J. Paiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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