On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 10:59, Timothy Stone wrote:
> List and network gurus...
> I recently had a coworker tell me that we should *always* ping by 
> *name*, *not* by number. The reason as explained is because the 
> resolution takes place at a "higher level" on the OSI stack. And pinging 
> the number does nothing but "tell you that the 'connection' to the 
> machine is okay."

Well, that's the whole point of "ping".  i.e. can one system reach
another via ICMP.

It is true that using a name instead of an IP address will also force
name resolution.  However, you may confuse your debugging efforts if
there is a problem with name resolution.

For example, now that Verisign has screwed with the TLDs your name
resolution may not be correct.

For example:
> traceroute -n verisignissleazyashell.com
traceroute to verisignissleazyashell.com (, 30 hops max, 38
byte packets
 1  0.696 ms  0.737 ms  0.737 ms
15  26.454 ms  25.182 ms  20.168 ms
16  24.004 ms  19.623 ms  21.954 ms

  - Paul

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