On Friday 19 September 2003 04:04 pm, 
> From: Sean Estabrooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 14:26:15 -0400
> mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Friday 19 September 2003 02:06 pm,
> > > From: Michael Lee Yohe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > Why are you using a SuSE package?  Instead, simply 
> > > download Abiword-2.0 from Rawhide.
> >
> > I *do* wish folks would read what others wrote.
> > If you noticed, I *also* tried the abiword-gtk* package, and the
> > abiword-gnome* package, which I didn't mention. That's three seperate
> > packages, and all of them had dependency problems where there should
> > not have been.
> None of those have anything to do with rawhide, which is what
> Michael said.   Why haven't you tried the rawhide packages?  
> Took about 60 seconds to install abiword here.

Let's see: I see a report on slashdot that abiword 2.0 was released. I went 
where that pointed, and it had the SuSE, the gnome, and the gtk versions of 
the release. I *presume* that they all use and need the same libraries, yet 
each one finds *different* libraries missing, and most of those libraries 
are, in fact, installed on my system. This does not seem reasonable. The 
linked site included those packages, but neither had a RedHat one, nor a 
link to it.

Then, I've stayed away from RawHide, because I was under the impression that 
this was alpha or beta releases only. 

So I found the RawHide version, after your email. Still wants more libs....

Got the other requirements, but now it wants a newer aspell than came with 
Shrike...and rpmfind did not find me a Rawhide aspell. So I had to dig down 
over there to find one. Why it *requires* the latest aspell is beyond me - 
it should accept one a few months old. Unless the folks coding it are not 
using proper standards, using data hiding, etc, and have altered the 
interfaces, it should be pointing to something like libaspell.so, rather 
than libaspell.so.15....

So, after all that, I've now got the RawHide version installed, and 
*finally*, when I go to print preview, it isn't showing it in a cursive 
italic font.
> Perhaps because you're trying to use rpm packages from another
> distribution rather than those released from RedHat ?

Again, ->abiword<- should need the same libraries, regardless of distro. 
It's a bloody word-fucking-processor, not a bleeding-edge video game that 
needs the release of NVidia's latest card that doesn't come out till next 
year! The software should be *portable*, not that different between 
> You really need to take your own advice.   Even if Michael had made a
> mistake, which he didn't,  a little grattitude for his attempt at
> helping you would be in order.

Or maybe I'm looking for deeper answers (like the business with libcrypto 
and libssl). Perhaps I would have found it appropos if I was a newbie...but 
when I give examples of required packages, and what is already installed, 
it should be obvious I was looking for more.

I'm grateful to someone when they give me help in what I ask for help in. 
For the person who suggested OpenOffice.org, *sigh*, I recommend he search 
the archives of this list for all the screaming and yelling over yes, it's 
good, but agh! it's a *dog*, and slower and bigger than M$ Oriface, er, 

Now, if I can just figure out why it has a problem with gnome-print (which I 
*assume* has no problem talking to lpRNG)....

        mark "and convince my SO to let me upgrade her from 7.3 to shrike..."

"Bush is oil. His number one donor is the petroleum and energy 
industry.  We didn't hold an election. We held an auction, and 
they put up the money." 
        --Greg Palast, interview with LiberalOasis, 02/25/03 

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