On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 19:59, Michael Mansour wrote:
>  --- "Benjamin J. Weiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Okay, I know that this is Off Topic, but if the
> > answer is easy, I'd rather 
> > not have to join another list.  If it's involved and
> > there's not an 
> > easy-recipe web site (I haven't found one after
> > quite a bit of search) 
> > then I'll go join the mailscanner list.
> > 
> > I've dedicated this weekend to making my mail server
> > a safer place to 
> > live. :)  I finished getting Vipul's Razor installed
> > (and am now waiting 
> > for a spam to come it to see if spamd is
> > auto-recognizing it as 
> > advertized).  
> > 
> > Now I'm trying to install anti-virus.
> > 
> > I've got f-prot working from the command line, and
> > have been reading the 
> > docs for MailScanner to try and get it installed. 
> > They seem to have a 
> > bunch of stuff related to spam-assassin, but I have
> > that running via my 
> > procmail.  Do I have to stop using spam-assassin via
> > procmail and start 
> > using it in Mail-Scanner, or is it an optional
> > thing?
> It's optional, by default SpamAssassin is _not_ turned
> on in MailScanner's config, you have to specifically
> modify it to use it.

As an aside:
I just updated my mailscanner and SA and spent about an hour training
the bayes engine with about 2000 each spam and ham.  I was still getting
about 10% spam making it through before( actually increased to about 15%
lately with the orisoft going down and I assume that the verisign crap
did not help either.

Unrecognized spam is down to about 1% now at least on my mail.  Now if I
can just get the spamass. timeouts figured out I think I will be
grinning and all but spam free. I get about a hundred spams a day and it
really pisses me off.  now I am happier :)


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