Sean Winters wrote:

> First of all, let me say that even though I come from the NT world, I
> was able to install RH 5.0 and get it going on the network with minimum
> fuss. (A testament to the ease of installation, not my technical
> prowess.)
> I bought the RH Linux Installation Guide, and was loaned another newbie
> book, and have searched the man pages trying to figure out how to
> install programs. I downloaded Netscape from the net, but have yet to
> figure out how to install it. Obviously it is gzip'd, but when I attempt
> to run gzip -d [filename] a messages appears stating something about a
> core; this is presumably not a Good Thing.
> Is there any resource I can hit to get information on how to accomplish
> program compiles and installation???

Sean, you could look at an rpm installation. For example, you download an rpm
version of netscape (from redhat for instance) and type something like  "rpm
-Uvh  filename.rpm" and it magically installs for you. The redhat guide talks
about rpm files.


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