Your boss is probably over reacting.  What I gather from what I have
read and heard, up2date will be available for the current RHL release
until 6 months after the next one (Fedora).  After that it will transfer
to Fedora.  That indicates to me that Fedora will be having up2dates as
well.  However, I have not heard whether or not Fedora will offer the
priced version.

Standard disclaimer:  Always verify that what I say is correct.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Benjamin J. Weiss
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: yum/apt-get (was Re: Fedora)

> Up until Monday Up2Date was free for filling out a questionaire every 
> two months.  The $60 provided you with convenience and earlier access 
> to binary downloads and free binary downloads of RHEL.
> Up2Date Demo was free for 2 months for each installation with a unique

> email address.  At the end of 2 months, one would fill out a 
> questionaire to extend the subscription for two more months.  That was

> discontinued this week.
> As Alan said, its a good thing to support Red Hat anyway.
> Hopefully Fedora will pick it up from there.  To me, it would make 
> sense that Fedora picks up the up2date program if for no other reason 
> than to attract financial support from those of us willing and able to

> pay the $50 - 60 per year.


I am one of those folks who don't *have* the $60 for the up2date and was
willing to fill out the questionaire.

When you say that it is discontinued, what exactly do you mean?  I was
able to install a program with up2date last night...are the demo
accounts going to expire immediately, or a couple of months?

I guess it's time to learn apt, damnit.

Oh, and btw, my boss just told me that he put on hold our purchase of
any further RH products (including RHAS, which we use as an Oracle9i
server) until things settle down.  Now he's looking at Suse, damnit.


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