On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 02:03, Gerry Doris wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2003, David C. Hart wrote:

> Who the hell do you think YOU are spamming the entire Redhat list over and 
> over with these stupid messages?  Well, if the list is too slow to react 
> then I'll take care of it for myself.
I have no idea what on earth you are referring to since I sent ONE
message to the RedHat list on this matter and one reply. Secondly, this
is hardly spam unless you did not understand the context.

This exact issue has been discussed on the list several times in the
past. Just do a search on Sturman in the archives. 

>All further mail from you goes into the /dev/null.  I hope the rest >of
the list does the same.  What a jerk!


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