On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 10:11, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:
> > I read up on this and it sounded absolutely perfect for me. After a few
> > problems I finally managed to get it installed, but now I don't know
> > where its executable is.
> >
> > I have done a search for a fwbuilder file and looked in all the
> > application locations I know of, to no avail.
> >
> > Can someone tell me where the RPM installs itself?
> Try:
> rpm -qp <package-name>
> where <package-name> would be what you're looking for (postfix, fwbuilder,
> etc).

Actually I believe that the p flag tells rpm to look into an rpm file
and query it.

You can use this to see where the files are installed with various

rpm -ql packagename

rpm -qlp rpmfilename

If I want to find an installed  package but don't remember exactly what
it is called I do :

rpm -qa|grep -i searchstring

eg rpm -qa |grep -i builder 



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