On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 10:37, Otto Haliburton wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > On Behalf Of Jonathan Bartlett
> > Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 9:18 AM
> > Subject: RE: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3
> > 
> > Otto is a troll.  Let's stop feeding him.  The obvious double standard is
> > apparent (i.e. - Windows can break compatibility because they are
> > improving their architecture, but Linux cannot, because systems like
> > Windows never would, and I'm ignoring the fact that Sun and others do
> > this as a amtter of course, too, but I'll blame it on the "lack of
> > resources" of open-source developers, even though it occurs with everyone
> > in the industry).

Guys can you take this off list?  This thread is going nowhere but
downhill.  This list is typically pretty courteous as far as technical
lists go, and I find the regression to name calling extremely
distasteful and nonproductive.

Otto you obviously feel very strongly about this and appear to by quite
knowlegable.  Why don't you take your thoughts to the gcc developer list
as has been suggested. 

I am pretty easy going most of the time but you are rapidly approaching
the point that I will have to edit the old Procmail/others.rc file and
send you to /dev/null.


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