I'm trying to make a couple of web servers answer to multiple DNS names;
I have the apache end of that down (I'm pretty sure) but I'm having a
little trouble figuring my way through DNS.

Here's the setup: apache server running on the machine whose hostname is
fred.twopoint.com, configured to also take requests for www.badtouch.com

DNS running on the same machine (this box is the SOA for our internal
net) with an 'A' record pointing to fred at, and a CNAME
record for www.badtouch.com pointing to fred.

ping www.badtouch.com doesn't return any packets.  Pointing a browser at
www.badtouch.com does produce the proper page, but it's SLOW -- several
minutes, even when the browser is on the same machine as the apache and
DNS servers.  Pointing a browser at fred.twopoint.com produces fred's
index page immediately.

I've read that CNAME records are disparaged, but never the reason why.
I've also been unable to find a way of accomplishing this (multiple web
servers on the same IP address) without using a CNAME.  Is it likely
that the CNAME lookup is the source of this problem, or am I likely to
have done something else wrong?

On our public net, we have a machine called thing.twopoint.com which
also answers to www.twopoint.com and ftp.twopoint.com, with
CNAME records on our outer DNS, and apache set to serve different pages
when called as thing or www.  It works fine, and I can ping the server
by any of its three names as well.

So I suspect that the problem arises from having a name which doesn't
end in .twopoint.com, but I'm not sure how to adapt my tables the right
way.  Do I need to create another instance of the server, add some more
tables, or can I cram all this info into my existing primary table
(which is what I've been doing up to now)?

Sorry if this is confusing, and abundant further detail is available
since I realize this may be a bit scant, but I wanted to get some of the
general stuff out of the way first.

Thanks all,

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