On 24 Apr, Michael Jinks wrote:

> DNS running on the same machine (this box is the SOA for our internal
> net) with an 'A' record pointing to fred at, and a CNAME
> record for www.badtouch.com pointing to fred.

        If that's true, the record should look like this:

fred                    IN A
www.batouch.com.        IN CNAME        fred
               Notice the "." following badtouch.com.  That's required
to make it so that www.badtouch.com doesn't actually become
www.badtouch.com.twopoint.com.  This is probably what you're doing
wrong.  To see how you ought to do this, read below...

> So I suspect that the problem arises from having a name which doesn't
> end in .twopoint.com, but I'm not sure how to adapt my tables the right
> way.  Do I need to create another instance of the server, add some more
> tables, or can I cram all this info into my existing primary table
> (which is what I've been doing up to now)?

        This is, like I said above, probably the problem.  What you
should have, if you're running BIND 4, is the following:

in /etc/named.boot (or named.conf, whatever) :

primary         badtouch.com            db.badtouch.com 

in /var/named/db.badtouch.com (or whatever) :

... Standard header info for DNS record ...
                        IN A
www                     IN A

        That should do it for ya.  If you have any more questions, or
you're running BIND 8, send me a private e-mail and I'll walk you
though it step by step in more detail.

        Try to keep all of your zones seperate; don't give in to the
temptation to smash them all in one big file.  It violates the concept
behind DNS (which is zones), and makes it generally a pain in the arse
to maintain.

        Good luck!


Adam Jacob                  E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Systems Administrator       WWW: http://www.cybertrails.com
Cyber Trails                "Unix is a four letter word...
602-906-1752                 VI is a two letter abbreviation"

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