G'day All,
I've got RedHat 5 installed on a machine here.  One of the things 
I've been working on is setting up virtual webs by assigning multiple 
IP addresses to an interface and having Apache access them based on 
IP address used.

In simple terms, I have all this working.

At the moment, I am adding this aliased IP address by adding the 
following lines to my /etc/rc.d/rc.local:

ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up
route add -host dev eth0:0

which works fine.

However, as far as I can tell this is probably not the 'standard' way 
that this 'should' be setup in RedHat5.  Can anyone point me to a 
file format and location that would include setting up things like 
this within the framework already laid down in RH5?

Cheers, Dave.

Dave Freeman               System Administrator      Outback Qld Internet
Longreach                   Outback Queensland                  Australia
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]            http://www.longreach.net.au/
Member                  Int Webmasters Association     http://iwanet.org/

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