On Sun, 26 Apr 1998, Stelios Bounanos wrote:

> > Even more annoying is to get reams of this stuff
> > 
> > 
> > begin 600 winmail.dat
> > M>)\^(AL0`0:0"``$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y`0```````#H``$(@`<`
> > M&````$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`06``P`.````S@<$`!@`
> [snip]
> Yes, what is this??

 This is a uuencoded file. The strings above are sometimes referred to as
radix-64. They are generated by moving 6 bits at a time of the original
data into an 8 bit byte, and then adding 32.  The result is what you see
above.  The reason for this is to eliminate any characters between 0-31,
127-255 decimal for the purpose of email. Mime uses a similar scheme.

You can make your own by:

        uuencode test.file < test.file >test.file.uu

The first "test.file" is the name to appear in the begin line.

See: man uuencode

John Darrah (u05192)    | Dept: N/C Programming
Giddens Industries      |
PO box 3190             | Ph: (206) 767-4212 #229
Everett  WA    98203    | Fx: (206) 764-9639

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