There is a program called AutoRPM but I haven't tried it. One thing about
it to note is that there are some errata instructions that say you must do
afew things before actually upgrading some packages. So I'd be wary about
implementing this.


At 06:17 PM 4/28/1998 -0500, Jon A. Christopher wrote:
>I apoligize for what may be a newbie question---I'm fairly new to RedHat,
>but not to linux.  I've looked around for a script which will apply all
>the errata files to my current distribution (RH5.0).  Basically, I'd like
>something similar to the initial install, but which runs on an existing
>The script would do this:
>1) check the ftp site for errata RPM's
>2) compare against the existing RPM database
>3) automagically upgrade all packages for which there is an errata RPM
>   available.
>I know I could do this manually, but there are getting to be a large
>number or RPM's in the errata archive, and I'm lazy.
>Since I have a direct network connection, what would be really nice is to
>be able to put this script in the weekly crontab, so that I'd never have
>to worry about upgrading again--all the latest security patches, etc.
>would automagically be installed as they become available. 
>Is there such a beast available?  I've looked around a bit, but haven't
>been able to come up with anything better than doing it manually.  It
>seems that with the ease of use of the rest of RedHat, that there should
>be something like this out there.

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