> I'd like to use Ctrl-Home and similar control function key combinations
> in Emacs running in plain console mode (not X).  Currently it appears
> that Emacs never sees the Control for these keys.  That is, if I press
> Ctrl-Home it acts as if I had just pressed Home. 

I solved this by adding 

control keycode 102 = F50
control keycode 107 = F51
string F50 ="\033[40~"
string F51 ="\033[41~"

to the keymap I use (the one specified in /etc/sysconfig/keyboard).

Well, doing exactly that is not really a good thing (you are not
supposed to modify the distributed files, right?), so actually I have
these lines in the file /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/mylocal.map; my
/etc/sysconfig/keyboard is 


and the relevant part of /etc/rc.d/init.d/keytable is

                        loadkeys $KEYTABLE
                        loadkeys $MYKEYTABLE

This works fine, except it confuses XConfigurator (or whatsitcalled, 
don't have it in right now), so to run that you need to comment out
"MYKEYTABLE=" statement, and uncomment it back when the job is done.

In .emacs (I use xemacs) the lines that take care of this are

              (define-key global-map "\033[40~" [chome])
              (define-key global-map "\033[41~" [cend])
              (global-set-key [chome] 'beginning-of-buffer)
              (global-set-key [cend] 'end-of-buffer)

(Where did I pick that? Somewhere in HOWTOs I think. Thanks to the
guys that wrote them!).

        Best wishes,

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