I'm trying to set up some boobytraps with my hosts.deny file, but I can't
seem to get it to work.  I've been following the man pages, but I'm just
not having any luck.

Here is my hosts.deny file (just testing it out with ftpd):

in.ftpd: ALL: (/usr/sbin/safe_finger -l @%h | \
/bin/mail -s %d-%h root) &

This is essentially directly out of the man page (yes, I have tried it
without the parenthesis, and still had no luck).

Here is the error I get (from my logs):

Apr 29 21:05:34 localhost in.ftpd[24490]: error: /etc/hosts.deny, line 9:
bad option name: "(/usr/sbin/safe_finger"
Apr 29 21:05:34 localhost in.ftpd[24490]: refused connect from

If I don't use the parenthesis in my hosts.deny file, I get essentially
the same error:

Apr 29 21:05:34 localhost in.ftpd[24490]: error: /etc/hosts.deny, line 9:
bad option name: "/usr/sbin/safe_finger"
Apr 29 21:05:34 localhost in.ftpd[24490]: refused connect from

/usr/bin/safe_finger does exist, and it does work, so that's not the

BTW, if I change my hosts.deny file to (notice that the : is missing
after ALL, and I dropped the parenthesis):

in.ftpd: ALL /usr/sbin/safe_finger -l @%h | \
/bin/mail -s %d-%h root &

I no longer get an error in my logs, but root doesn't get any mail
either, so this obviously doesn't fix it.

Could anyone point me in the right direction?  (I did read the TCP
wrappers doc in /usr/doc, but that just pointed me to the man page).

Thank you.


Brian Eith                                 
UW-Madison Computer Sciences
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               
UW-Sportfishing Team Homepage:
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