>> anyone know what's wrong with this line? mount fails to recognize the
>> fs type. i think the problem's with the "gid" option in the 4th column, 
>> and the mount manual which needs updating.
>> <snip fstab>
>> /dev/hdc2       /mnt/hdc2       vfat    noauto,gid=wheel,rw     0 0
>> </snip fstab>          
>i forgot to mention..mount works fine without the "gid=wheel".

If I read the man page correctly, the gid option you are trying to use wants
a numeric value.  One of the examples used a number, not the name of the
group id.  Try using a number and see what happens.

I know, I'm grasping at straws.

System Administrator - Finnigan FT/MS - Madison WI. URL:http://www.ftms.com/
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