> I am surprised to see such a unhelpful attitude in this mailing list. 
>  Your solution sounds like a Microsoft solution "install the product 
> I like and I will support you".  Slakeware is still Linux.  Just 
> because it's Slakeware doesn't mean a Red Hat user can't help.  It's 
> still the same LPR subsystem, you capture to files the same way, and 
> slackware runs the same kernel. I wish I were able to help this 
> person, but do not have the skills to do so. Reply's like this one to 
> people only looking for a little help is just ignorant.  Just my 
> opinion.  Thanks. 

It would have been friendlier to have responded with a pointer to a Slackware 
list or newsgroup, true.  The bottom line here is that this is a Red Hat list, 
and any extensive discussion of Slackware/Debian/Caldera/SuSE/etc...etc...etc 
is a violation of the purpose of the mailing list.

This is a high traffic list which already has a surplus of chatter on it.  We 
need to keep it to it's intended purpose.

Additionally, Ezekiel's originally message was not the sort to encourage 
courtesy in a somewhat partisan arena, this mailing list.  He basically stated 
that 5.0 was crap and he'd given up on it.  Therefore he wanted help to 
install Slackware.  Not exactly a polite request for help.


> > -----Original Message----- From:    Shawn McMahon [SMTP:smcmahon@chicka
> saw.com] Sent:        Wednesday, May 06, 1998 10:54 AM To:    
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:       Re: Slackware install errors  
> -----Original Message----- From: Ezekiel J. Krahlin 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Tuesday, May 05, 1998 6:44 PM Subject: 
> Slackware install errors   >Can anyone give me a solution, as to 
> printing out, or capturing, a screen >dump of the installation 
> process? This way, I could be more accurate and >thorough for any 
> troubleshooting needed.   I imagine that someone could, in a mailing 
> list devoted to Slackware.  Since you've posted this question to the 
> Redhat list, I can only presume that you want a solution appropriate 
> to this forum, and so:  The solution is to install Redhat Linux 
> instead of Slackware. 

Rick Forrister                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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