Michael Jinks wrote:
> Okay. . . I think I'm getting closer.  I've now set MOZILLA_HOME to
> /usr/lib/netscape and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/lib/Real.
> I don't get a 'compressed files not supported' error any more.  Instead,
> when I try to use the player, it says "Buffering [n]Kbps clip"
> indefinitely, while top reports that rvplayer is using 80-90% of my
> processor.  For streaming input, this goes on indefinitely, but for
> files it goes on for several seconds (the length of the file, I'm
> guessing) and then the player goes back to a "ready" state.
> I never get any audio, video, or errors.
> This sounds like I'm still missing some libraries or something --
> anybody have any ideas?
What do you see in the statistics window?
Tried setting in options -> protocols -> TCP only? 
(this worked for me, previously all stats were 0)


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