Frank, all that sounds good, except for a few questions, httpd, you said
point dns to two servers. How does this redundant httpd. If it stops, or
crashes or is SYN flooded, how does this keep httpd running?

named, I can see this, simply set up primary and secondary. OK.

smtp and pop3, this as you probably guessed is sendmail, and I may run qmail
for my virtual hosts, can you setup a secondary sendmail. Actually now that
I think about it, I think redundancy on the email is stupid. I just need a
good backup system. In case of a fatal crash.

The only real redundancy I need is httpd and radius, for authentication.
Anything else should be ok to die for just a few short hours, but I need a
quick backup recovery plan. Will BRU help me in this regard??

When you back up multiple partitions in linux, does it restore or do you
have to partition first?

Enough of this, you have already been a huge help. I thank you.
RocNet Monster
RocSoft, Inc.
915 Lyttleton St.
Camden SC 29020
803 713-3433
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Kujawski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, May 11, 1998 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: Redundant Servers - Possibility??

>You have an easy job.
>  httpd, point your dns to two different numbers
>  named, most computers allow you to select both a primary and secondary
>  innd, good luck I have never had any success with this one.
>  smtp, set one of your boxes as a secondary mail server
>  pop3, do not make redundant
>have fun
> Frank
>  __________________
> /                  \
> \__________________/
>On Mon, 11 May 1998, Jack Hatfield wrote:
>> Well, that would be httpd, innd, named. Your basic web, mail, and news
>> servers. I am guessing so do not hold me to this.
>> Is any of this right? I hope I am answering your questions.
>> RocNet Monster
>> RocSoft, Inc.
>> 915 Lyttleton St.
>> Camden SC 29020
>> 803 713-3433
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Frank Kujawski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Monday, May 11, 1998 9:05 PM
>> Subject: Re: Redundant Servers - Possibility??
>> >The first question is what applications are you running?  Many web apps
>> >can be split accross multipul machines.
>> >
>> > Frank
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