On Mon, 11 May 1998, Jack Hatfield wrote:

> The only real redundancy I need is httpd and radius, for authentication.
> Anything else should be ok to die for just a few short hours, but I need a
> quick backup recovery plan. Will BRU help me in this regard??
> When you back up multiple partitions in linux, does it restore or do you
> have to partition first?
Well, something to think about, having a machine around for backup would
be good, in case the machine died for a hardware and not software reason
(which a backup obvsiouly wouldn't help). W/ bru (or tar ro what not) the
harddrive will need partitions on it, so it would be best to reinstall,
then restore from the backup (then you wouldn't need to backup /usr too,
which would save time).

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