There are many ways you could do this. The simplest would be to tidy up a
version of your aliases file (assuming sendmail) and send everyone that.
You could even create a majordomo broadcast-only listserve that includes
all staff members for easy broadcast messages to your users.

I do something similar but I put a set of files on an internal file server
in a public directory instead of emailing them. I run scripts each night
so that any user changes in the organization are updated daily. I create
four files: plain text that can be downloaded or printed, a Netscape
import file for those who use Netscape Mail, a Eudora file for Eudora Pro
users, and a Pine corporate address book that sits in a public directory
where we have a few Pine users. While I'm at it, I also use the same
scripts to update my allstaff majordomo broadcast list. 

In my case I have to extract the info from Novell NDS + cc:Mail -- a
kludgy process at best, but a set of Batch fiels + Perl scripts does the
trick. I use Expect on Linux to ftp the results from Novell, then do the
final processing, including updating my mailhub aliases file. Ah, the joys
of multicultural computing ... :-)


On Thu, 14 May 1998, Sahar Nitzan wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I was wondering .
> Is there a way that I can publish all the e-mail addresses in my organization to all 
>the users 
> So everybody can know everybody else e-mail address ?
>  I want to do this by e-mail obviously
>                       Thanks,
> sahar
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