I am sympathetic (I have had problems too), but:

On Thu, Nov 04, 1999 at 04:08:20PM -0800, Joe Brenner wrote:

> about typing "linux updates", and some time later I realized
> that I'd blown away NT from the Master Boot Record... my
> machine now boots straight to lilo and into Linux.

Probably you still have the old lilo.conf rpmsaved---just use that,
and rerun lilo.  

>    Alt-tab no longer works in AnotherLevel/fvwm2/fvwm95
>    (whatever you want to call it).  It switches focus, but
>    doesn't do an autoraise.

Windowmanager default configs change (like in Afterstep).  Perhaps the
old system config got rpmsaved? I am using wmaker or fvwm2 since the
maintainers seem responsible guys taking care of backward

>    Sound isn't working (I've got a soundblaster 
>    AWE 32... not exactly rare).

what is the exact problem?  How did you handle sound support during
the upgrade?  Did you customize the list of packages to upgrade?  A
possiblity is that the soundcard conflicts with the ethernet card.  

>    Apache no longer starts at boot-up.

what is the ouput of 

find /etc/rc.d -name "*http*"

If you do not see the approriate links, perhaps do

chkconfig --add httpd


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