
To set your name or others for use with mail, make sure in the account info
you have a proper name there, not just a username, if the name is set there
it will be seen whenever sending mail from the commandline using "mail"  or
from Pine

If using Linuxconf you will see the line in the account info area, with
older versions its in usercfg, or you could edit the passwd file directly
(not preffered, only do if confident)   ie your passwd file may look like

username:x:555:555::/home/hellyeah:/bin/bash               change it too

username:x:555:555:Hellyeah:/home/hellyeah:/bin/bash            would make
your mail now appear to be from


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On 9/11/99 at 1:11 Maziar Mahzari wrote:

>Dear friends;
>I use pine to send my mails. The problem is for outgoing messages
>the pine uses "To:address" instead of my name and so my name doesn't
>appear next to my sent messages. The last time that I asked this question
>in the list I was instructed to go to setup/config in pine and set my name
>whereas I already had my name set in config. I've serched all the config
>options of pine but found nothing. Maybe as I read somewhere it should be
>a global setting by system admin. Could some one guide me what to do cause
>it's a reall pain in the back? Any help is really appreciated.


IT Consultant Sydney Australia

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