On Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 03:37:58AM -0500, Chuck Mead wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, David S Edwards said:
> DSE>Sorry I didn't include that.  Here is line 178 and the couple preceding 
> DSE>it.  I don't know much about rpm spec files, so I have no idea what's 
> DSE>wrong, and I couldn't get to bugzilla at RH today.
> DSE>
> DSE>175    %package smp
> DSE>176    Summary: The Linux kernel compiled for SMP machines.
> DSE>177    Group: System Environment/Kernel
> DSE>178    Provides: kernel = %{version}
>                               ^ this is a variable. The value of %{version}
> should have been set earlier in the spec file. Probably near the top. I see
> you're calling the spec file kernel-2.2.13.spec. If you're rewriting this to
> build the 2.2.13 kernel you have the advantage of me as you haven't told us
> that yet. Also... if you're serious about building rpm's and learning the
> ropes why not join the rpm list. I learned a lot over there during the last
> couple of years and I still do.

The spec file that comes with 6.1 is labeled 2.2.13 for whatever

Hal B
            Linux helps those who help themselves

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