
i am having problems with my ppp connection dying for no
apparent reason.

connection is between two redhat6.0 boxes. one has an old motorola
28.8K externel modem and the other has a 56K supraexpress pro externel

if i login to the remote machine and work from there everything
is usually fine. if, however, i just set up the ppp link and then
connect elsewhere (ie. ftp to other sites, browse the web, etc.)
the connection never lasts longer than about 3 minutes.

i've tried playing with flow control parameters and idle times etc.
but none of the things ive tried make any difference.
i have checked that there are no irq conflicts.
i have also tried altering the mru and mtu parameters.

can anyone give me advise on what to try next?
or some pointers to useful info online?



Keith Bennett                     Tel:   01334 463731
Mathematics Institute             Fax:   01334 463748
University of St.Andrews,         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
St.Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS
SCOTLAND                          http://www-solar.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~keith

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