> Subject: 
>            Swap
>     From: 
>            Manoj Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> Iam having a Linux 6.0 mail server. At the time of installation I made 150Mb
> swap space. But when yesterday I tried the "top" command I found the
> following,

> swap 0K av,0K used,0K free 

It means 2 things.  1) That RH is lame for FORCING you to make a swap
partition, esp when you clearly don't need it.  And 2) (the real answer)
there isn't an entry in /etc/fstab to tell the system about swap, or the
swapon command is never being run.


swapon -a    (as root) at a command prompt.

P.S.    Anyone else bothered by the fact that you have to make a swap
Edward Schernau                         http://www.schernau.com
Network Architect                       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rational Computing                      Providence, RI, USA

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