On Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 01:11:18PM -0800, Larry Kelley wrote:
> I'm no mail expert so can't take this very far without doing some
> research. BUT, how do these list operators know your mail server is
> on a dial-up account? My Linux server routes mail directly to the
> destination. The mail server at my ISP doesn't add its own headers.
> Do you have your Linux box set to relay and are you using it as the
> outgoing mail server for your users (rather than setting the users
> to send through your ISP's MTA)?

Sounds like he is sending mail directly from his box, and the list
servers are not able to fully resolve the RETURN-PATH. This is
raising a flag that the mail *may* not be legit -- IOW possible spam
artist as far as their filters are concerned.

> Incidentally, I have yet to subscribe to a list that shows this
> behavior. May I ask which one(s) does?
> ----------
> From:  Glen Lee Edwards[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:  Monday, November 22, 1999 6:38 AM
> Subject:  RE: test post
> :)
> Larry, <big grin>.  The problem isn't with my ISP.  They have no
> objection to me running this configuration.  The problem is with
> select members of the Linux community (hard to believe, isn't it?).
> Linux as the operating system is GREAT!  I've never been more
> pleased, as I now have a virtual domain, 4 cnames, several users,
> and several personal email accounts that I can run off this one box
> (the one I'm typing into now).  I LOVE IT.
> The problem is that several Linux list owners have decided that
> dial-up Linux accounts such as you and I run are the perfect
> attraction for current and future spammers, so they've subscribed to
> a spam blocking service that blocks any incoming email from dial-up
> Linux users that are using their Linux box as their MTA.
> If anything this proves that Bill Gates is still winning, as he's
> tricked the Linux community into turning on itself and into killing
> the very operating system features that brought most of us from
> Windows to Linux.


Hal B
            Linux helps those who help themselves

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