> My friend mentioned this to her mother...both the mother
> and a coworker thought learning c was funny and a waste
> of time...that c++ was essentially THE language (in that

what is funny is that you really can do better C++ once you know C REALLY
well.  C++ is just that - C + 1.  You have to know C.

> etc) and that c was a waste and somewhat redundant to
> learning c++ which incorporates much of c but adds more
> capability.

from her POV.  From mine - C++ is a waste.  If you want OO d oit in Eiffel,
or smalltalk, or Java.  forget c++'s hackery.

> Though I indicated that linux and many linux apps were
> written in c, not c++, the general response was "so?".

so that is a good reason to know C.  

> As for oo programming, I think that any os can benefit
> from this. OS/2 was oo and it handled things quite nicely
> compared to ANY other os I have used, including linux.  I
> actually think that linux would benefit from more oo
> design, but that is another thread.

The kernel IS done in a very OO manner.  take a look some time.  You don't
have to have C++ to do OO.

> > I have been wondering of late why it is that much of
> > the heart of linux and many linux apps are written
> > in c rather than c++.  Why is this?  Why not convert
> > everything over...presumeably c++ allows for tighter,
> > more efficient code.

BUZZ.  C++ adds a lot of bloat and INefficiency.

C is still the defacto standard for OS's, for fast development, and for
fast code.

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